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Welcome to the Practical Education Network!

LOOK FOR LESSONS - Look through our lesson library to find lessons to teach;

WRITE A LESSON - Have your own lesson? Write one, and add it to the database!;

FIND MATERIALS - Ways to source and make your own low-cost science teaching materials;

BACKGROUND INFORMATION - How-to guides and short explanations of science and engineering concepts

For information about the Practical Education Network, please visit our homepage.

11Safety 2012/12/14 18:55   3 Comments
Lessons 2012/07/06 13:06 Grace Kane 4 Comments
Torque 2012/07/06 12:58 Grace Kane 1 Comment
Formatting Syntax 2012/07/03 15:47   0 Comments
21indepthsystemdesign 2012/07/03 15:47   1 Comment