
Stage 0 | Background discussion and research

Here are some super-basic notes (off the top of Maddie's head) as initial thoughts on the first of two Presenting to the Community lessons. There are lots of good resources from 2.00b and 2.009, and other classes and online sites, for presentation skills and designing good presentations, so I will do more research to add info from those. Initial thoughts:

Things to include in lesson:

What students should cover in a presentation:

(At least having a community-wide discussion started, if not a definite final project selected. The intro presentation could also be used to narrow down to two project choices or something, and then have groups of students make more detailed designs for those two before presenting to the community again and selecting a final project to collaborate on – 2.009 style)

Presenting Skills

Lots of good stuff about this in 2.00b and 2.009 notes, and probably 2.671, etc.

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