There are a number of teaching opportunities available if you are interested in teaching lessons.
The following list is a summary of upcoming and ongoing opportunities; feel free to contact us if you are interested in helping out in our classes, or are interested in teaching PEN lessons on your own. If you are interested in teaching beyond the opportunities listed here, please get in touch as well - there are plenty of ways to create additional opportunities to teach!
Upcoming Opportunities:
HSSP is a program for middle- and high-school students run by ESP at MIT. This spring, it will run on Saturdays between February 18 and April 14. PEN will be teaching a series of solar lessons to students in grades 9 and 10, and would love help teaching and in the classroom. Please contact us for details!
Spark is another ESP program in the spring, which occurs at both MIT and Boston College. Classes are taught to middle- and high-school students as single workshops throughout the day. Spark this year will occur on Saturday March 10th at MIT, and on Sunday March 11th at BC. MIT's Registration will close on February 1st. Let us know if you are interested in teaching or co-teaching a PEN lesson, or in working with us to develop your own.
Cambridge Science Festival
The Cambridge Science Festival is scheduled for Saturday April 28th, and is looking for hands-on classes and workshops. Classes would be one or two hours in length, and taught to 20-30 high school students (aged 14-18). It is also possible to teach a walk-in seminar, which runs over a longer time frame and allows students to come and go throughout. Again, let us know if you are interested in teaching or co-teaching a lesson or workshop.